Great Slave Sailing Club 000-000-0000

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Race Team

Race Team is for youth who would like to train for sailing competitions. It is by invitation only. If you have been invited, register on the wait list and you will be added to the class.

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Race team practices are Saturday 10am to 12:30pm

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Adult CANSAIL - Intermediate Dinghy Sailing

This is not a beginner course. It is for adults who have taken the Learn to Sail class, or for those with previous dinghy sailing experience, who would like to further develop their dinghy sailing skills. A basic understanding of sailing principles and terminology is required. This class is taught to using the CANSail curriculum in Topper sailing dinghies,

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Classes are Monday nights from 6-9 pm or when it starts to get dark.

Boats are sailed single-handed unless a crew member is registered in the other session.

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This is for crew who will be sailing together in the boat with someone who is registered in the other session. Send an email to training@ to request to add a crew member to sail together, and register for the waitlist for this session to be admitted. Not for beginners learning to sail. Crew must also have experience sailing dinghies to join this class.

Classes are Monday nights from 6-9 pm or when it starts to get dark.

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